Project Action Lines


Legislative, regulatory and procedural framework, including the waste management manual

The main purpose of the WP1 is to build a structured basis where to implement the further activities of the CABICHEM project as a whole. Both preliminary actions and intermediary reviews will be performed, outlining the regional context with specific regard to each country peculiarities.

Task 1 – Inception phase for the identification of national partners and stakeholders
Task 2 – Review of existing legislation and regulations in participating countries concerning management of chemical and biological waste
Task 3 – Site visits and countries assessment
Task 4 – Compilation of international guidelines and Manual on waste management
Task 5 – Organization of intensive Regional Workshops


Waste management bodies

After collecting all the data about the existing waste management systems with a detailed description of each agency, a thorough analysis of overlaps and gaps will be performed. This will help to create a report showing the existing structure with targeted and tailored recommendations for optimization. The final step of WP2 is focused on the proposition and planning of improved complex waste management country-specific systems with optimized structures, newly described reciprocal relationships and dependencies. 

Task 1 – Identification of responsible bodies in waste management
Task 2 – Exchange of experiences to implement tailored recommendations


Defining TORs for Equipping sites/facilities/labs

The WP1 “Country report of procedures review and proposed improvements at site level with full mission reports for facility visits” will serve as a reference for creation of a list of major sites for which newly developed or updated waste management procedures may require provision of new instruments or material. The list of sites will be agreed with NFPs. Specific needs to adequately equip these sites will be recognized by defining target capabilities in managing the wastes to be achieved by a specific site, taking into account existing equipment and material in use. Technical specifications or terms of reference (ToR) for equipment and materials needed to be added or updated will be elaborated. 

Task 1 – Identification of major active chemical and/or biological sites/facilities/laboratories involving procedural issues
Task 2 – Provision of technical specifications for equipment and materials


Awareness raising and training in sites/facilities/labs

The main purpose of WP4 is to raise or enhance the awareness of the main actors across the beneficiary Countries on the correct management of chemical and biological wastes and to design, plan and organise training sessions on safety & security aspects related to the generation, handling, transportation, containment and disposal of C and B waste materials at different level, i.e. from laboratory scale, to minor and major production sites. These activities will aim at building or strengthening a local capability to foresee, prevent, minimize and/or mitigate chemical or biological incidents and emergency situations involving hazardous chemicals at both national and regional level among beneficiary Countries.
Task 1 – Awareness raising on chemical and biological waste management
Task 2 – Implementation of a sustainable training system for lifelong learning


Non site/lab/facility hazardous waste

The goal of WP5 is to reduce waste generation at very low level (household, small companies, non-intensive agricultural uses, craftsmanship, etc.) and improve waste management system in dealing with common waste. In case of sites, labs, industrial facilities, mines etc. wastes can be easily categorized and are generally easier to handle because those are produced in a specific place, and it is possible to force by law and/or regulations manufacturers or owners of the industry facilities to neutralize or properly handle the produced wastes. On the other hand, it is much harder to persuade the entire society to change its way of life and habits, starting to handle wastes differently.  Moreover, the production of common wastes is really dispersed and difficult to control.
Task 1 – Review of current practices in hazardous waste management non-related to specific sites and facilities
Task 2 – Awareness raising in general public of safety and security issues with chemical and biological waste, and related aspects


Preparation of sites remediation/management

One of the main purposes of WP6 is to propose an innovative methodology for detecting and mapping burial and abandoned sites, which will be collected into a dedicated database per country. As a step further, a Feasibility study will be performed in order to evaluate the possibility to implement mitigation measures and remediation/permanent safety measures to manage hazardous situation at the identified sites.  At the end of the WP6 process, activities will result in the formulation of a tailored project proposal for a following implementation of remediation/management.
Task 1 – Inventory of current and historic dump and burial sites and abandoned industrial sites with chemical and biological waste, including e-waste
Task 2 – Definition of innovative methods for detecting and mapping the burial sites of untreated chemical fertilizers and other harmful substances
Task 3 – Characterisation and quantification of waste materials and substances and systematic assessment of safety risks and security threats linked to hazardous sites
Task 4 – Feasibility study on possible remediation/management of problematic sites to evaluate their practical implementation


Hazardous Wastes consultation group

The WP7 aims to set up a technical, consultation group to foster a long-lasting exchange of experience in chemical and biological waste issues. In this regard, the WP7 team will work in close collaboration with NFPs, NTs and the EU CBRN Centres of Excellence Regional Secretariat for Central Asia to discuss, evaluate and identify the most feasible way to involve the higher number of partners country as possible and to provide them with a tool that can support their cooperation through concrete actions.
Task 1 – Establishment of a regional technical consultation group on the exchange of experience in C and B waste issues


Coordination ongoing projects

The main objective of this Work Package is to explore options for coordination and synergies with ongoing relevant national, regional, and international projects and programs.
Task 1 – Coordination with ongoing national, regional and international projects/programs