Islamabad, Islamic Republic of Pakistan - 10-12 February 2020: Training course on "Safety and Security issues in the management of C and B waste materials in manufacture facilities and laboratories”

TP1 PK 2From 10 to 12 February 2020 a working group of thirty-three professionals and experts from key national agencies of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan met in Islamabad at the National Institute of Health the Working Package 4 delegation of experts of the European Union’s Centers of Excellence for the prevention, protection and mitigation against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear risks and threats. The scientific and technical discussion focused on a series of emerging threats related to the management of hazardous chemical and biological waste. In particular, some exemplar case studies dealing with the handling, reduction, recycling and reuse of hazardous waste materials (urban mining, animal carcasses, formaldehyde-containing solution disposal, asbestos waste materials, etc.) were treated and discussed in a multidisciplinary way, thanks to the multi-faceted background of the participants.


Bruxelles, Belgium - 09 January 2020: CABICHEM Steering Committee meeting

COE65 steering committee meeting 2020On 9th January 2020 a 9-people group of Projects Partners’ representatives – with the addition of two, who attended remotely – met in Bruxelles the Project Officer at the European Commission DG DEVCO headquarters. The delegation updated DG DEVCO regarding the state-of-the-art of the project and next steps that will be done.

Moreover, it was a good chance for the team to discuss related issues and coordinate each other. In particular, Project Partners exposed the detail of the Work Packages they are in charge of, as well as of the main results achieved and their points of strength and weakness.


Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia - 20-22 November 2019: Training Course on “Safety and Security issues in the management of C and B waste materials in manufacture facilities and laboratories”

Training course Ulaanbaatar november2019From 20 to 22 November 2019, twenty-five relevant experts, scientists and professionals from Mongolian governmental institutions, national agencies and local stakeholders, together with technical experts of the European Union’s Centers of Excellence for the prevention, protection and mitigation against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear risks and threats, discussed and examined the most recent approaches towards a sustainable, safe and secure management of hazardous chemical and biological waste.


Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan - 25-27 November 2019: Training course on "Safety and Security issues in the manangement of C and B waste materials in manufacture facilities and laboratories"

training bishkek nov2019 2A working group of twenty-five professionals and experts from key national agencies of the Kyrgyz Republic met last November 25-27, in Bishkek, at the State Agency on Environment Protection and Forestry, the Working Package 4 delegation of experts of the European Union’s Centers of Excellence for the prevention, protection and mitigation against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear risks and threats. The scientific and technical discussion focused on a series of emerging threats related to the management of hazardous chemical and biological waste.


Проект 65 ЕС ХБРЯ ЦПО (CABICHEM) организует региональный семинар в Ташкенте

9-ого октября 2019, в гостинице Lotte City Palace Hotel в Ташкенте была организована церемония открытия трехдневного Регионального Семинара, организованного Проект 65 ЕС ХБРЯ ЦПО “Улучшение удалиения химических и биологических отходов в Центральной Азии, чтобы улучшить безопасность и уменьшить рисков” – CABICHEM. Мероприятие является конкретной возможностью, чтобы поощрять долгосрочное сотрудничество среди 5 Стран Партнёров в Центральной Азии: Монголия, Киргизия, Пакистан, Таджикистаном, Узбекистан. Кроме того, мероприятие даёт возможность определить общие стратегии в рамках структуры CABICHEM.
