CABICHEM hosts an online training course on "Hazardous waste management during the Covid-19 health emergency" for Uzbek stakeholders

33 CABICHEM TP2 Uzbekistan 2020On 30 November and 1 December 2020 the Institute of Chemical Sciences and Technologies of the Italian National Research Council (ISTM – CNR), with the support of Fondazione FORMIT, held a Training Programme 2 on “Hazardous waste management during the COVID-19 health emergency”, which organised for the Uzbek stakeholders involved in the project.


Online meeting between the CABICHEM Consortium and the Mongolian delegation

On 21 July 2020 the CABICHEM Consortium led by the Team Leader, Yaugen Ryzhykau, met remotely the CoE65 Mongolian Delegation including the National Focal Point for Mongolia, Ms. Sandagdorj Bayarkhuu, and the Mongolian local experts and officers. The meeting had the aim of discussing about the state of the art of the project activities - with a special focus on the current status of each WP implementation - as well as presenting to the Delegation the CABICHEM e-learning platform recently launched online by Fondazione FORMIT ( 


Online meeting between the CABICHEM Consortium and the Uzbek delegation

On 23 June 2020 the CABICHEM Consortium led by the Team Leader, Yaugen Ryzhykau, met remotely the CoE65 Uzbek Delegation including the National Focal Point for Uzbekistan, Dr. Otabek Kasimov, and the Head of the State Committee on Industrial Safety, Head of the RS fo CA, Dr. Bakhtiyor Gulyamov. The meeting had the aim of discussing about the state of the art of the project activities - with a special focus on the current status of each WP implementation - as well as presenting to the Delegation the CABICHEM e-learning platform recently launched online by Fondazione FORMIT ( 


Online meeting between the CABICHEM Consortium and the Pakistani delegation

On 14 July 2020 the CABICHEM Consortium led by the Team Leader, Yaugen Ryzhykau, met remotely the CoE65 Pakistani Delegation including the National Focal Point for Pakistan, Dr. Faheem Tahir, and the Pakistani local experts. The meeting had the aim of discussing about the state of the art of the project activities - with a special focus on the current status of each WP implementation - as well as presenting to the Delegation the CABICHEM e-learning platform recently launched online by Fondazione FORMIT ( 


CABICHEM launches an informative and awareness raising campaign to fight COVID-19

COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel-Coronavirus-2019, grew rapidly in the last months, thus becoming a severe pandemics concerning virtually all countries in the 5 continents and negatively affecting the everyday’s life of any citizen in the world.

For these reasons, although counteracting a new emerging pandemics was not an original main goal of CABICHEM CBRN Project no. 65, the Leader of Work Package 4, whose institutional tasks are awareness raising and training activities linked to the management of hazardous chemical and/or biological waste materials, decided to share with CABICHEM’s Partners and participants a set of extra information packages focusing on the use of sanitation solutions to mitigate the diffusion of the novel-Coronavirus on surfaces, on the use of the most adequate Personal Protective Equipment to operate in COVID-19-contaminated areas as well as on the management and treatment of bio-hazardous waste, paying a specific attention to the biosafety aspects linked to this poorly-known pathogenic agent.
